Monday, May 23, 2011

VA Beach

I took Friday off work to attend the wedding of Kelly Kimener and Barry Bausher. Got up at 6:30, dropped Goomba off at The Ranch, and caught the 7:50 bus to Boston. My flight was at 12:06 (one minute before my birthday time) and I landed in Newport News around 3 where my mom was waiting for me. We immediately went to chick-fil-a (oh how I miss you) and then we were off to the beach! While we were waiting for the elevator mom said, "we will probably run into people from the wedding ince we are taying at the ame hotel" at which time I aw the groom and hi men wlking toward me. (the story of how I lost my s key will come later, it come and goe). The wedding wa outide on the beach, and it wa beautiful. It wa definitely Kelly' tyle.

There wa some time before the reception o mom and I went over to the pool ide bar and waited. The reception wa actually a lot fancier then I wa expecting! Way to go guys! The food wa good and I enjoyed the company of everyone at my table, including you Mrs. Lovell!!

We all had a blast dancing the night away (the open bar alway helps). At one point I wa pushed under Kelly' dres. I'm not exactly ure what happened. I think Laura pushed me.

Saturday wa a day at the beach! Mom brought beach chair and we at outide all morning. I reapplied unblock every 30 minute and still got burnt. It wa hot, but we loved itting there and putting our toe in the water. We even sat by the pool for a while sipping our margaritas while having girl talk with our leg dangling in the water. It wa perfect!

Later that night we left the hotel to walk to a nearby bar outside for dinner. What we saw next wa a tragedy. Everyone wa looking at omething in the ocean o we looked too. Soon we heard sirens. There wa talk that omeone wa missing and was thought to have drowned.We finally left after they found the man and he wa on hi way to the hopital. We weren't ure of hi condition. Later that night when we got back to the hotel we googled and found out he wa pronounced dead at 7 (30 minute after leaving). Apparently two teenagers were in the water and started to show signs of struggle. This man ran out to help them and ended up drowning. He was only 20 years old. He was a hero, and I hope he rests in peace.

Sunday was uneventful as it was departure day. My flight wa delayed a long time (urprised surprise) but since I had to wait 2 hours once I got to Boston for the bu anyways it was okay. I just barely made the bus, but I did. Made it home at 9:30 and couldn't wait to go to sleep and wake up to go pick up my Goomba Woomba! Speaking of the flight, the guy next to me spilled his pretzel crumbs all over my laptop. Some of them must be stuck in my keyboard making it hard to hit the s button. Since using it so much in this blog it seems to be better.

I love you Kelly and wish you all the happiness in the world! Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your special day!

High: A toss up of when my mom called me skinny and when she got raccoon eyes. We got back to our room Saturday and when mom took off her sunglasses she had a MAJOR tan line. She ran to the mirror and said, "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? HOW COME YOU DON'T HAVE IT!" I said I reapplied sunblock constntly and wore a hat. That' when she admitted that she forgot to put sunblock on her face. Thank you mom for the entertainment all weekend!

Low: 20 is very young age to die.

On Deck: My sister is visiting and we are going camping the second weekend of June in Northern NH!