Saturday, November 27, 2010


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm here to tell you all about mine. Well, SOME about mine anyways.

Part 1
Mom and I woke up early Thursday morning and drove to Richmond for Thanksgiving with her brother and family (7 of us in total). This was our first time seeing their new house and we also took a walk to check out where Micky* and Ricky* go to school. They are pretty fancy schools. I think they are almost as big as my college, with a green in the middle and different buildings all around. We watched some football (Patriots had a great second half) and played some games. Games played at this house were: Wits and Wagers, Guesstures (a family classic, it was fun to watch mom act out a lion), and A to Z. For a few hours there was a scare of the turkey not being finished, but my uncle managed to make it happen. He had to make up for spilling half the pumpkin pie in the oven the night before. Dinner was fabulous and I was able to stop myself from over eating. After dinner and coffee mom and I left to go home. And we got to start listening to Christmas music!! YAY!!

Part 2
Mom and I woke up Friday morning to drive to Mommom's for Thanksgiving number 2. But first we had to stop in Baltimore to give Lemon Pledge (LP)* a cabinet. We traded them the cabinet for Thing 1* and Thing 2* (my cousins). Then it was off to Mommom's again. With my 2 aunts and families, cousin, and Grandma, there were 11 of us in total. Games we played: Befudiom, letter line-up, scribblish, hilarium, and 30 seconds. Dinner was wonderful of course. Later Thing 2* sang some songs for us. We played some more games (I love 30 Seconds, it's one of my favorites) then Mom and I left to drive home once again.

I know this is cheesy, but I will do it anyways. I am thankful to have so many people in my life who care about me. I'm so thankful to have such a massively large family because I love you all. I am thankful that my sister is my best friend. I am thankful for all my friends because you guys make me laugh. I'm thankful for an education, a job, and a roof over my head with food on the table. I am thankful to be so blessed and happy. As we give thanks and think about our family and friends over the holidays, I'd like to take a minute to remember the loved ones we have lost and those who are ill. We think about you constantly and miss you every day.

So, did I have a good Thanksgiving?

High: LP was awesome at guessing my words in letter line-up. The card was person and I said "dad", she guessed Stephen King immediately. Next round the card was character and I again said "dad" because I didn't get B to say blue, after a few seconds she yelled out Papa Smurf. YES! You were on your game yesterday LP.

Low: I wasn't sure I was going to make it to Mommom's house. Luckily, neither was Thing 1*. So my mom made up a game to take his mind off of being sick and thankfully that helped me as well. Good save Mom.

On Deck: Between Harry Potter and seeing all my friends tomorrow night I'm sure I'll have something to say again before this trip is over.

*No real names were used in this posting

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